Cabinet ALAIN Genealogical Researchers
Each year thousands of people die without leaving a family known (in France alone this represents more than 10,000 deaths)
Thus, estates, inheritances, land find themselves left vacant, abandoned, without rights holders: properties deteriorate
over time and cash are held by banks. Indeed, if the deceased did not during his lifetime gained disposal to organize
(designating one or more legatees), it is ultimately the most frequently Administration will, after a certain period of time, gather the entire assets.
Thanks to a real investigative work in France and abroad, the mission of our Cabinet is to first look at whether there are people who could collect the assets, then find and tirelessly defend their rights of heirs against forgetting and the seizure of the Administration of Estates.

Our Cabinet
Notaries, lawyers, bailiffs, court administrators, accountants, insurance companies, financial companies,
we will be at your side with our network of experts in Europe and the Americas.

A Global Network
Alain Genealogy Cabinet has a network of experts active worldwide :
Paris / Genève / Rome / Varsovie /Kiev / Moscou
Washington / New-York / Montreal / San Paolo

Contact Us
But in addition to the professionals, anyone with knowledge of death can contact us a neighbor, a friend of the deceased, a wealth manager ... Just tell us the date and place of death so that we can begin to undertake research.